Manali’s Double-Edged Sword: Scenic Beauty and Financial Strain

The Hidden Costs of Tourism: A Middle-Class Dilemma in Manali
By – Jitendra Vir Madhup

Manali: A Double-Edged Sword
Manali, a breathtaking destination nestled in the Himalayas, draws countless visitors each year with its scenic beauty and tranquil environment. However, behind its picturesque charm lies a harsh reality faced by many travelers: exorbitant prices.

Price Inflation in Tourist Hotspots
During a recent visit to Manali, I was astounded by the disparity between the prices of basic goods there and their standard market prices. A simple bottle of Pepsi, typically priced at around ₹40 in most parts of India, was being sold for a staggering ₹250. This dramatic price hike is not just limited to beverages but extends to various other essential items, making it increasingly difficult for middle-class families to afford even the most basic pleasures while on vacation. I experienced this firsthand on the Manali-Punjab Highway at a local Dhaba.

The Impact on Families
This disparity struck a chord when I witnessed a disheartened father unable to buy his child a cold drink because of the inflated cost. For middle-class families who meticulously save and plan for vacations, such price hikes can be a significant blow. It is disheartening to think that these families, who work hard and dream of exploring new places, find themselves constrained by the high costs at tourist destinations.

The Right to Explore
Traveling and exploring new places should be an accessible experience for everyone, not merely a luxury reserved for the affluent. Middle-class families, who constitute a substantial segment of the traveling public, deserve to enjoy their vacations without the burden of excessive expenses. After all, travel is about forging memories, strengthening bonds with loved ones, and expanding horizons—experiences that should not be tarnished by financial stress.

Possible Solutions
To address this issue, several measures can be considered:

Government Regulation: Authorities could implement price controls or monitor price inflation in popular tourist destinations to ensure fairness.
Consumer Awareness: Tourists can be made aware of typical price ranges and advised to plan and budget accordingly.
Supporting Local Vendors: Encouraging competition and supporting local vendors can help stabilize prices and offer more affordable options to tourists.
A Global Perspective
The issue of inflated prices is not unique to Manali. In fact, it’s a common problem across many tourist destinations globally. For instance, big brand companies like PVR and INOX charge exorbitant prices for snacks, with items like popcorn costing up to ₹460, despite their production costs being significantly lower. On highways, even small dhabas charge much higher prices for basic items.

Interestingly, foreign franchises like McDonald’s, known for their high-class restaurants, often offer better pricing. For example, a meal combo with a burger, Pepsi, and fries can be available for around ₹110, making it a more affordable option compared to local vendors in some tourist hotspots.

While the allure of places like Manali is undeniable, it is crucial to address the underlying issue of inflated prices that hinder middle-class families from fully enjoying their travel experiences. By fostering a fairer pricing structure, we can ensure that the joy of exploring new destinations is accessible to everyone, regardless of their economic background.

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